In music, I find joy and peace. The joy and peace of reconnection with myself – and with the world around me. Today did not start as I have planned or would have wanted to. Despite my meditation and walks with my dog, my soul remained fuzzy and undirected… I was just hanging around, having […]
I know now: It is meant to be Natural for my body To crumble with life To go down and rise So I witness And in the stillness The beauty of it arises The cosmic joke You keep yourself afloat And comparison has no place You are your own truth, Your own dance, Your own […]
Dive into your light
For my fellow coaches Acknowledgement If I would begin again I would just write to you For you are the Source of it all You make me awe all that’s in the world. -o-o-o- Here you are, all, eyes looking at me Asking where to go Asking what to see So here is how I […]
Walk the talk
I have met the world’s greatest marketing guru. I was expecting a well-dressed person in a skyscraper, a huge office, leather chair, teak table and screens all around. What I found instead was a little person, in a cave, dressed in a brown robe. The person was sitting on the floor and looked curiously at […]
Here you are home

Heartwarming sunshine today, vibrating air and thin clouds on a blue sky. I sit outside in the garden, next to the hortensias, who surround me with their big bushy heads. As the wind caresses the blossoms of the lilac, they say yes with their flowers. I look up from my chair, with a book in […]
Love your tree like yourself

I really like the work of Hundertwasser. A visionary artist, who loved natural forms and pleaded that everybody must be creative. He has created vibrant paintings full of colors, shapes and patterns. He has built colorful, irregular, playful buildings. As I read a book about KunstHausWien, that houses Hundertwasser’s work, I find an ode to […]

I breathe deeply, sitting in a vast room, with a huge window looking at a garden. Around me a group of life-students, course participants just like me, imaging their future self and unspoken dreams. In front of my closed eyes a tree starts to emerge – robust and brown, with small branches and leaves all […]