For my fellow coaches
If I would begin again
I would just write to you
For you are
the Source of it all
You make me awe
all that’s in the world.
Here you are, all,
eyes looking at me
Asking where to go
Asking what to see
So here is how I begin
what I have to offer to you
My labour of sweat
My labour of love
My being, through.
Start with yourself.
That is number one.
So that what you become
Comes from deep in our heart.
So you become irresistable
So it is not your rate that counts
So that you become the shining light
that others can’t help but follow.
So number one:
Where is your love, pain and sorrow
that you want to help in the world?
Where your attention goes,
there goes your word.
Inner work.
That’s the key.
Without that, your coachee
is just touching in the dark.
There is no one around
to hold their hand,
To make them understand,
that they are not alone.
That they are whole
and ready for the journey.
And so are you!
So what can you do
to define
Where is the line
that you dare to cross today
To step into your leadership,
create and play?
Who do you want to serve?
With what and how?
As you yourself allow
the answers to flow,
with the help of your coach,
your true power emerges.
Define what you want and how,
first your life, then your business
so that you fill your days with love
that sustains you
before you give to others.
Your life first,
then how it will feel;
what will your business reveal
about you?
Are you fun and edgy?
Deep or light,
or all of the above?
People come to energy
like souls to light,
so define
for whom you want to shine
and how.
How do you want to show up in the world?
Where is your urge
to help, to change, to serve?
Then look at what you have
What do you have to offer?
So that whatever comes
You can look into your book
Where is your hook
Your experience, your pain
Your strength
That let’s others emerge
so that they can rise strong?
in what you have done and achieved.
Look around
Here faces abound
That have seen you
Coach and learn
So take those stories
and turn
them into the things you share.
You have already changed enough lives.
And the ones that wait
outside your door,
maybe still
looking down on the floor
and searching for the key,
who are dying to be ‘Me’,
themselves, with a Big M.
Find ways
to tell them
that you are here.
Reach out to those
you know
and see where the flow
takes you.
It might feel slow at first.
it might not calm your thirst
immediately as you start.
So coach your fellow students here,
lean into possibility,
and practice
this powerful art.
are the building blocks
That is the way
that unlocks
the door between
clients and you.
So show up every day,
Serve and dream,
practice and play.
And do your inner work!
For it to be
what sustains you and your coachee
The light within you
shines so bright
so take the light
and be your guide.
Your inner voice,
values, Leader Within.
A whole universe is in there
where you begin.
Be calm and gentle
this is the first step.
Cheer yourself, the journey is long.
And look around you –
here are all
who can walk with you
on the long haul.
This is the crowd
who is with you
as you grow,
So I say to you, fellows,
good luck and let’s go!