A Giving Journey

A path of reflection & self-discovery | Life keeps on giving…


Here you are home

Dove picture 2 AGivingJourney

Heartwarming sunshine today, vibrating air and thin clouds on a blue sky. I sit outside in the garden, next to the hortensias, who surround me with their big bushy heads. As the wind caresses the blossoms of the lilac, they say yes with their flowers. I look up from my chair, with a book in […]

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Love your tree like yourself

Love your tree INphotography A Giving Journey 2

I really like the work of Hundertwasser. A visionary artist, who loved natural forms and pleaded that everybody must be creative. He has created vibrant paintings full of colors, shapes and patterns. He has built colorful, irregular, playful buildings. As I read a book about KunstHausWien, that houses Hundertwasser’s work, I find an ode to […]

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I breathe deeply, sitting in a vast room, with a huge window looking at a garden. Around me a group of life-students, course participants just like me, imaging their future self and unspoken dreams. In front of my closed eyes a tree starts to emerge – robust and brown, with small branches and leaves all […]

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Walking towards my mission

A Giving Journey Walking towards my mission

We have met on a sunny morning, at the edge of the forest like last time. She had her trusted walking stick and we both had a raincoat as some drops were predicted. We walked together on the small path alongside frizzy bushes and branches hanging above our heads and after just a short stroll, […]

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The birth of reconnection

Birth of reconnection A Giving Journey INphotography

Precisely nine months ago, I made a committment to pass on the pearl that I have found. I have experienced how it feels to be in a group workshop, that helps people to create change in the world. During this workshop I moved through the Spiral, a beautiful circle, that helped me find my way […]

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Into the light

Sunset From darkness to light INphotography A Giving Journey watermark

I woke up this morning in darkness, just to experience light. I wanted to see the Sun coming up in all its beauty and warmth. As a reminder of rebirth every day. I decided that I have hope. That I will act on it. I will use the forces available to me, in all their […]

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Figthing climate change is about compassion

Koala climate change INphotography

I saw an image recently on television that just seized me inside. It was a little koala, crying. His face and paws were burned, he on the side of the road, just saved from a devastating bushfire. A victim of climate change. I saw many images of climate change before. People standing on the top […]

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My journey to veganism

Three years ago I knew that something had to change. After leaving my corporate job earlier that year, I started to rethink a lot of things in my life. I went through a turbulent period as I got more and more insights on what needed to change. I suddenly realised that many things are weighing […]

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